Summer Reading Challenge Launch at Chepstow Library

DSCF0483 resized for webOn Saturday 12 July Chepstow Library welcomed Ann Churchill to launch the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge, Mythical Maze. Children enjoyed stories and made their own pop-up book with the Mythical Maze characters.

The Challenge is free for all children aged between 4 to 12. Each child that registers for the Challenge will be presented with a Mythical Maze poster. During the summer holidays, as they read some of the great books that we have in the library, they will be rewarded with stickers for their poster. Children can read whatever they like – picture books, audio books, joke books, fact books – they all count. Children who complete the Challenge will be presented with a medal, certificate and other prizes. So come along to Chepstow Library and join the Mythical Maze Challenge soon!

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