Reaching Out with Monmouthshire Housing Association

Fiona Ashley, Community Library Manager for Caldicot, recently attended a Forever Young session organised by MHA at Brookside, a sheltered housing complex in Caldicot.  We hope this will be the start of more involvement with older people in sheltered housing, particularly to promote our Reaching Out mobile library service to the housebound and isolated.

Reaching Out to the elderly and the isolated

During November we conducted a Public Library User Survey in all libraries.  We have just received the reports and are busy analysing the results and comments. 

This information couldn’t have come at a better time as we have just started reviewing the service offered by our mobile library.  Reaching Out is a mobile library service dedicated to meeting the needs of the housebound, people who live in Residential Homes for the elderly or Sheltered Housing.  It also serves readers in more isolated areas of Monmouthshire.

The comments from the customers highlight what an important service this is to the elderly (72% were aged 75 or over).

“This mobile is our life line and the service we receive is second to none”

“My life has been greatly improved since I have received books from Reaching Out”

The quality of the service offered by the Driver/Assistant, Tommy Need, was also apparent as 91% rated the customer care as “very good” (the highest possible rating).

Tommy is extremely helpful.

Very satisfied.  Tommy is fantastic.

If you would like to make any suggestions on how we can improve the service to the elderly or the isolated, please email